We’re still hear making some noise!
Paulie Spit Daily Monday-Friday 8AM to Noon
Hello Summer
Speedy and Spit on the Boulevard
New time slot for Paulie 11:00 to Noon Monday through Friday
Mexican today? Swing in to Arizona Taco Company
Feeeling hoooongry for Mexican? Stop in at Arizona Taco Company TODAY 11AM-Noon for a “LIVE” broadcast.
Take out 763-208-0419 | 9428 36th Ave N, New Hope 55427
Jump in at 11AM-Noon with the Paulie Spit show Monday through Friday

Paulie Spit making moves to new time slot
Paulie Spit brings “Food Promo” in-studio and on the road Monday through Friday 11AM til Noon and promotes a different take out & delivery restaurant every day.Same great 70’s through 90’s music and talk, and follow Paulie Spit’s Facebook page.
KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9 is still serving Minneapolis St Paul since 2012 all of the action begins on Monday May 11th
KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9 promotes public awareness of COVID-19
In the spirit to bring public awareness of the seriousness to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19, ksizsizzlin999.com has been inserting “LIVE” on air mentions to prevent the spread of the virus and has now reached an agreement to broadcast PSA (public service announcements) during our broadcasts.