Jump in at 11AM-Noon with the Paulie Spit show Monday through Friday

Imagine, food, trending stories, entertainment, music and car talk all in one place captured in less than an hour.
The NEW format delivers some lively discussions from local restaurant owners, reporters, local entertainers, musicians and car guys like Brian Warhol, John Jackson, Mike Linner, Ken Madden and Christopher Allen Skoog
Get set for four 15 minute music & talk segments all happening Monday through Friday 11AM to Noon
Point your device to ksizsizzlin999.com/listen or grab the KSIZ apps at iTunes or Google Play.

Paulie Spit making moves to new time slot

BREAKING: Minnesota Ranks Number 1 in Take out & Delivery.

Paulie Spit brings “Food Promo” in-studio and on the road Monday through Friday 11AM til Noon and promotes a different take out & delivery restaurant every day.Same great 70’s through 90’s music and talk, and follow Paulie Spit’s Facebook page.

KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9 is still serving Minneapolis St Paul since 2012 all of the action begins on Monday May 11th

Join in at ksizsizzlin999.com/listen on any device or grab the KSIZ apps at iTunes or Google Play.
Serving Minneapolis St PauL since 2012
If you have a suggestion for a restaurant leave a comment and I’ll check it out.
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