Author Archives: sizzlin999
Congratulations to caller number #6, Evan Lufte Monday May 20th and caller #9, Bill Popejoy May 22nd. You’ve got 2 tickets to the MSRA Back to the 50’s Weekend coming to both of you.
You too could win by simply listening in to the Wake Up show 7-9AM Monday through Thursday, May 20th through June 20th at or load the KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9 apps at iTunes or Google Play, it’s that simple.

Busy week on KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9
Busy week for Sizzlin 99.9 KSIZ
-Wake Up Show | Mojo Mondady-Mon-Thur-7-9AM
-Cruisin to Taco Teresas Tue-5-8PM
–Marcus Catlin Outlaw Car Club Car Show Sat-10AM
–Brian Warhol TSI | Smith Nielson MSRA Car Show Sat-Noon
Wagner’s Drive In Broadcast
Listen here: Wagner’s Drive In Broadcast
Saturday Car Show Tunes 6AM to Midnight
Swipe the Sizzlin 99.9 KSIZ apps at iTunes,Google Play or go to on any device to TUNE in for 18 hours of “Saturday Car Show Tunes” 6AM-Midnight
Hot Cars, Tequila and Tacos Cruise in
HOT CARS, TEQUILA and TACOS…Cruise on over to Taco Teresa’s in Plymouth on Tuesday, May 21st from 5 to 8pm…Preferred Parking for Hot Cars…Food & Drink Specials…Swag Bags and more….
MSRA Back to the Fifties & more
The Paulie Spit 2019 Hot CarNival Tour continues, so join me and Kevin from Travis Whitney‘s AAMCO at the MSRA Back to the 50’s Weekend on June 22nd from Noon to 3PM on stage under the space needle, it’s gonna get a little crazy with Mad Dash, Prizes are sponsored in part by T.G.I. Friday’s – Bloomington (Normandale Blvd) TGI Fridays Brunsville Teresa’s Mexican Restaurant & Taco Teresas for promotional purposes.
And while you’re at it,when you’re seeking to find a car show locally or nationally, look no further than to our friends and partners Facebook pages.
Simply point your device for the complete source at
Randy Duncan‘s @Hot Rods and Classics
and Mike Linner that is all.
Patron Tequila, Teresa’s Mexican Restaurants, & KSIZ Sizzlin 99.9, a good combination